Are your Sundays feeling a bit lackluster? Let's change that!

Did you know the days of the week were named after Gods and Planets? 

Sun Sunday is a concept that combines the idea of the sun, with its association with warmth, energy, and positivity, with the day of the week Sunday. It's an opportunity to embrace the sun's power (much needed in the Winter months) and start the week on a bright note.

To make the most of Sun Sunday, you can consider the following:

 1. Morning ritual: Begin your Sunday with a morning ritual that uplifts you. This could include practicing gratitude or engaging in a gentle exercise like a yoga Sun salutation stretch. Since I'm more of a night owl, I like to smell an essential oil to help me embrace the morning. I enjoy the aroma of Citrus Bliss from DoTerra in the winter months.

 2.  Outdoor activities are a great way to make the most of daylight. You could walk, picnic in a park, or visit a farmer's market. However, some outdoor activities may be limited during the winter season. Consider buying a bunch of sunflowers to bring some yellow color to your environment. Also, you could use a light therapy lamp to emulate the sun and avoid seasonal affective disorder.

 3. Power Up: Take advantage of Sundays to connect with yourself and enhance the characteristics of your sun sign. Engage in activities that resonate with your sun sign to revive your inner power that will bring joy and enthusiasm. The sun's energy can amplify your feelings of happiness and connection. 

As the day comes to a close, take some time to reflect on the past week and plan for the upcoming one. Use the sun's energy as a source of motivation and optimism.


Feel free to email me or text me here to answer any concerns you may have about astrology readings.


A bit about me:

I was born under the Scorpio sun, Taurus moon, and Capricorn rising. I'm a mother of two lovely little girls, and I've been practicing astrology for many years.

Astrology has been a great help in my life, enabling me to understand human behavior more profoundly and connect better with people. It has also allowed me to establish a deeper connection with God/Spirit that doesn't rely on organized religion.


