New Moon in Capricorn

It’s one of my favorite days of the calendar. The New Moon is when the Sun and Moon come together starting a new cycle. Because the Sun and Moon are together, we can’t see the Moon in the sky but that doesn’t mean its energy is any less potent. 

This New Moon is happening at 23 degree Capricorn. Which means that is next to Pluto (Pluto is at 24 degree). So, this is not your typical New Moon. This one is powerful because it’s next to the planet that on its highest energy represents power, passion, transformation, rebirth.

I’m not saying that to use buzzwords. It truly is a powerful moment to start anew. The energy is available for use. So, use it or lose it. But then don’t complain later on about why things don’t go your way if you’re not actively working towards your goals. 

If you haven’t worked on your goals, tonight is a great time to do it. If you have, you can revisit and see if they need adjustments. 

Fun fact: The area of life that is being refreshed by the New Moon is the same one where Saturn and Jupiter where in up until Mid-December last year. Now that those two left that area and we have worked on the lessons they brought, we can start a new chapter. Planting new seeds. 

The area of life by your Sun sign is:

Aries - Career, long term goals, structure, reputation, expertise. 

Taurus - Travel, wisdom, philosophy, higher education, foreign relations, learning. 

Gemini - Intimacy, shared finances, inheritance, taxes, assets, joint ventures. 

Cancer - Relationships, marriage, contracts, business partners, equality, sharing. 

Leo - Health, fitness, work habits, daily routines, organization, analytical process, service. 

Virgo - Romance, love, play, creativity, fertility, joy, self-expression. 

Libra - Home, roots, family, self-care, emotions, foundations, femininity, the mother. 

Scorpio - The mind, thinking, thought process, communication, social interest. 

Sagittarius - Money, income, values, material possessions, resources. 

Capricorn - Self, appearances, the body, first impressions, identity, approach to life. 

Aquarius - Healing, closure, what’s hidden, subconscious, mysticism. 

Pisces - Groups, friends, social awareness, humanitarianism, hopes and wishes, the future. 

Pay attention to what you want to create now because when the Full Moon in Capricorn occurs during Cancer Season (opposite sign to Cap), there will be a culmination in this area of your life. 

Become more conscious. If you don’t already have a moon journal, I suggest you get any journal where you write your New Moon and Full Moon intentions every month and note any changes happening in your life. Most likely you’re going to start noticing a pattern every six months. Every New and Full Moon brings awareness to different areas of your life. So, the area of your life this New Moon touches, it will be revisited in June 24th with the Full Moon in Capricorn.

If you have your natal chart, you can check where in your chart you have Capricorn as that’s the house the New Moon will be in. See if you have any planets there between 21-26 degrees as it will add another flavor depending on the planet it’s there.  If you don’t have it, you can go to Click on Free Horoscopes, under Drawings & Calculations select Natal Chart and enter your birth data. 

Happy New Moon!  


P.S. If you’re interested in finding out about astrology readings to see if one could be right for you, you can book a FREE 15-minute call here. You can book an astrology reading here. Or send me a message at 


Happy Birthday Aquarius!


Full Moon in Cancer 12/29/2020