Birth Chart Reading (aka Natal Chart Reading or Astrology Reading) Gift Card


If you feel there’s something missing in your life - something you can’t quite put your finger on - it probably means you aren’t in tune with your true self.

You take all the personality tests and quizzes hoping to find the answers you’re looking for, but they never quite fit the bill. It’s very discouraging.

That’s because they fail to tell the whole story. It’s only a snapshot of your personality and a generalization of why you think and behave the way you do. 

There’s a more specific and intuitive way you can understand what makes you tick. It’s called a Natal or Birth Chart. It can tell you more about who you really are than any personality test.

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The universe was in a special and unique alignment the exact moment you were born. Your birth or natal chart can explain and give you a break down of what that means. In a nutshell, the location of the sun, moon, and planets at the time and location of your birth had a cosmic effect on you. Your birth chart can reveal exactly what that is.

This is how a Birth or Natal Chart is displayed. It’s unique to each individual based on their soul’s imprint at the time, place and date of birth.